May of 1996... It was the hardest decision I made in my entire college days when I finally decide to put an end being me as Engineering student. Uncertainties in mind during those time pushed and put me into inevitable (perhalfs for me) - I shifted Course from BS Civil Engineering to BS Inland Fisheries. They were all disappointented including my Sister Vilma- that time she was in Hong Kong working. Others like my classmates shocked when learned this time for good I won't be on the same direction we usually tracked. I have friends but they not there to comment on the matter- simply because they are not literally present... they were the first to left the college and me!
Five long years I spent in that course, I felt I'm unlucky like others there with irregular schedules and some with back subjects too. But of coarse most of my batch/classmates graduated and took thier board exam. as scheduled. Few of us Left behind! It was hopeless for me that I can't even think what to do next because of the pressure my SELF and I giving to ME. Its not too late I know but it was too hard to move on towards the path... I was thingking of giving up! Then during the Whole summer vacation, taking another Course became an option and bothered me night and day because of frustrations... Out of Loneliness with no friends left, that was it... it came so fast without twice thinking when the last day of enrollment came,I enrolled in College of Inland Fisheries- New faces and strange subjects and Professors right on my face as in they are
welcoming new students on the first day of class on the buildings that is far enough to start.

I found the right place! Feels at Home.. never like this before I told to myself... There was so much good memories then , I have done a good job according to my decision, no one dictated me. Up to now I have no regrets...none at all. Others say that pain is inevitable but suffering is not a must. Mastering to absorb that pain is part of journey, I will be wise to conquer the hard obstacles and then proceed, forget the pain behind me and face the future.
I Graduated April of 1999 armed with knowledge and hope to pursue and determined to make-up on those days that passed. With much experience that made me strong, places and people that defines who I am now- Truly I can carry on...
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